York Wine Club - On Line August Tasting for Subscribers
mar. 01 août
|Virtual Event
Enjoy your wine tasting in your own home!! This is an on-line review of the August wines that have been selected for York Wine Club subscribers. It will enable me to explain the selections and the wines and drink some of the wines on the evening.

Time & Location
01 août 2023, 20:00 – 21:30
Virtual Event
About the event
Private Event for Wine Club Subscribers
This is an on-line review of the August wines that have been selected for York Wine Club subscribers. It will enable me to explain the selections and the wines and drink some of the wines on the evening.
YWC - August On-Line Tasting
This is an on-line review of the August wines that have been selected for York Wine Club subscribers. It will enable me to explain the selections and the wines and drink some of the wines on the evening.
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