Our quarterly tasting is upon us and as promised I have brought along what I am drinking at the moment. It's a stellar cast.
Those who know the value of these tastings are in and are going to have a treat. Let's keep these tastings our little secret.
The wines for this evening are;
2018 Henners Vintage Brut
2022 Vire Clesse - Chazelles
2022 Nanny Goat Queensbury Chardonnay
2013 Fixin - La Croix Blanche
2022 Nanny Goat Queensbury Pinot Noir
2021 McMurray Russian River Valley Pinot Noir
Chateau Ceron Dessert
I'm so looking forward to seeing you all @Lovecheese
Bring your chat as we've a lot to catch up on.
Big Love